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Job in Austria
Immigrate to Austria via work permits?
Your ERVICo-Team will support you

Most importantly, you need to be sure it is possible to obtain the necessary work (and residence) permits for the corresponding job in Austria. It is very important to note, that although the job offer is the first step, the offer alone does not guarantee obtaining a work permit for the corresponding job. For this reason, ERVICo assists in job recruiting processes from the very beginning. Furthermore, you need to have a job offer first. You cannot obtain a work permit without a job offer. A general work permit for any job, even in specific job categories, does not exist.
What is taken into consideration in order to have good opportunities for successfully finding a job in Austria?
For which qualifications are residence and work permits granted?
- Very high-qualified individuals with university background and further high-qualified professions.
- Requested key educational/professional experience demanded from the side of the employers who hire such individuals as key employees.
- Individuals who have an education in professions where there is high demand for employees, but lack of skilled people in this field (the main emphasis is on technical and medical jobs in Austria). But also, training in manual trades and craft professions, this so called “shortage list” increases each year. In this case, good German language skills are very important as well.
Individuals with a lower education, especially unskilled workers have less chance to migrate to Austria by finding a job.
Where can I obtain information about finding a job in Austria from abroad, and if my educational and professional background is sufficient?
- Researching job platforms and obtaining information from various webpages.
- Search for external support.
Such external support may be submitted by ERVICo in combination with Human Resources partners, well established Job recruiting firms, and HR Consulting companies. While the HR companies have a check on job opportunities in general, ERVICo evaluates, from the beginning, if there is even the possibility of receiving a work permit for each job.