European Country Comparison
Overall Attractiveness for Private Individuals
Consolidated ranking according to 16 different statistics
Added Bonus Points for several Statistics according to the respective ranking.
1-10 points for Top 10 position for each topic, 0 points for ranking outside of Top 10
Topics Attractiveness of Immigration for Private Individuals
- Costs of Living (Rental Costs) 2018
- Food prices in % of total consumption 2017
- Petrol prices 2018
- Number of Nobel Prize Winners per Mio. inhabitants 2018
- Expenditure for R&D in % of GNP 2017
- Number of R&D-Employees per 1.000 persons in local corporations 2017
- Number of patents per 100.000 inhabitants 2017
- Public expenses per student for education 2016
- Knowledge transfer between universities and corporations (Management Rating) 2019
- Winning and Holding of talents (Management Rating) 2019
- English knowledge as foreign language (Toefl Test) 2017
- Percentage of foreign employees of total employees 2017
- Foreign students per 1.000 inhabitants 2017
- Attraction of economic frame conditions for high qualified foreign employees (Rating) 2019
- Quality of Living (Rating) 2019
- Prosperity Index: GNP per capita in Purchase Power Standard 2018 (KKS), Eurostat 07/2019
Sources: if not explicitly mentioned: World Competitiveness Yearbook 2019
Overall Attractiveness for Companies
Consolidated ranking according to 19 different statistics
Added Bonus Points for several Statistics according to the respective ranking.
1-10 points for Top 10 position for each topic, 0 points for ranking outside of Top 10
Topics Attractiveness of Business Locations for Companies
- Expenditures for education per capita, OECD, education at a glance 2019
- Educational quota of 16-24 year old in %, PwC, Young workers index 2018
- Quota Graduates in vocational education in % (specialization), OECD, education at a glance 2019
- Capability of developing Top Executives (Rating), IMD World talent ranking 2018
- R&D-quota in % of GNP 2018, ABA Invest in Austria 2020
- Regional GNP per capita in capital city, Eurostat 02/2019
- Number of air destinations to Middle and Eastern Europe (infrastructure to main growth regions), Vienna International Airport, OAG Summer Flight Schedule 2018
- Office rents in capital city incl. side costs per m² and year, CBRE Research: Global prime office occupancy costs 2019
- Quality of living in capital city, Mercer Consulting, worldwide quality of living survey 2019
- Countries with the most globalized economy – index, ETH Zurich, KOF Index of globalization 2018
- GNP per employed in purchase power standard (KKS) = work productivity index 2018, EU commission 07/2019
- Working costs per hour in manufacturing industry 2018, German economic institute, 06/2019
- GNP per capita in purchase power standard (KKS) = prosperity index 2018, Eurostat 07/2019
- Motivation, commitment, loyalty and identification of employees (Rating), IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2019
- Strike days per 1.000 employees, annual average 2008-2017, WSI Hans Böckler Foundation 03/2019
- Unplanned lack of energy in min., CEER benchmarking report 6.1., 07/2018
- Effective average tax burden for companies in % 2017, BAK Basel Economics and Center for European Economic Research, 12/2017
- Tax burden for companies incl. federal taxes 2018, Deloitte Resources, Corporate tax rates 2018
- VAT in % 2018, Deloitte Resources, global indirect tax rates, 07/2018
Sources as mentioned